Thursday, June 30, 2016

Just because I'm not religious doesn't mean I don't have faith.

I bet you can't picture me in the pew of a Baptist Church in a long dress, my hair done, and praising the "holy spirit". Especially since most of my Sunday mornings now are spent hung over in my bed. eating a gallon of ice cream, and Netflixing. 

But not that long ago, that was me. I worshiped to a God that my family believed in, but even as a child, I had doubts about. I would say that's where I started my acting "career". Every Sunday, come rain or shine, I was stood in front of the entire congregation, singing my heart out about God and his son, and their love for us. Every note, every lyric for me meant nothing.

Within the next few years, I stopped going to church because I didn't like it. Of course, that's not why my family thought I stopped. I just became to busy and involved in other things that made going to church harder for me. 

In high school, I started going to a church on Wednesday nights but only because my friends went and this church played amazing games, such as "Water in the Face" (if you don't know this game, I'm so sorry). While I was there, I started to think a little more about my belief in something above. But ultimately, I wasn't sure if there was a "God".

But here is where it gets confusing. I have faith. While my faith may not be the faith of believing in God or Jesus, or a higher power, I still have such a strong feeling of faith in my life. 

The other definition of faith is "complete trust or confidence in someone or something" and by that definiation, I have faith in so much: 

1.) Faith in Myself:

I have faith in myself to take care of myself and to lead and follow things to help me become a better me. I have faith that I will accomplish things that I have my heart set on now, and I have faith in knowing that I will be able to tell if these things are achievable or not. 

2.) Faith in my Future:

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted children and a spouse to come home to and I have faith that it is going to happen. I have faith that even though I am no where near this goal right now, that if I have my sights set on it, IT WILL HAPPEN. 

3.) Faith in my Friends:

My friends have gotten me through some of the worst times in my life and I don't know where I would be without them. I have faith in them accomplishing their own dreams. I have faith in knowing that they will become bigger and better people and that everything is possible for them.

4.) Faith in Faith

Even if I don't have faith in everything, I have faith in faith. I have always tried to be a positive person because there has always been just to much sadness to focus on the downsides in my life. I have faith in faith because without it, I'm not sure what else I would have.

Who knows, maybe one day I will have a "God-Sent" moment in which I realize that I am religious and find God's love was here this entire time. But I can't rely on him now. I have to rely on myself and my faith. 


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